102 research outputs found

    Scheduling unit processing time arc shutdown jobs to maximize network flow over time: complexity results

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    We study the problem of scheduling maintenance on arcs of a capacitated network so as to maximize the total flow from a source node to a sink node over a set of time periods. Maintenance on an arc shuts down the arc for the duration of the period in which its maintenance is scheduled, making its capacity zero for that period. A set of arcs is designated to have maintenance during the planning period, which will require each to be shut down for exactly one time period. In general this problem is known to be NP-hard. Here we identify a number of characteristics that are relevant for the complexity of instance classes. In particular, we discuss instances with restrictions on the set of arcs that have maintenance to be scheduled; series parallel networks; capacities that are balanced, in the sense that the total capacity of arcs entering a (non-terminal) node equals the total capacity of arcs leaving the node; and identical capacities on all arcs

    Airline planning benchmark problems—Part II : passenger groups, utility and demand allocation

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    This paper is the second of two papers entitled “Airline Planning Benchmark Problems”, aimed at developing benchmark data that can be used to stimulate innovation in airline planning, in particular, in flight schedule design and fleet assignment. The former has, to date, been under-represented in the optimisation literature, due in part to the difficulty of obtaining data that adequately reflects passenger choice, and hence schedule revenue. Revenue models in airline planning optimisation only roughly approximate the passenger decision process. However, there is a growing body of literature giving empirical insights into airline passenger choice. Here we propose a new paradigm for passenger modelling, that enriches our representation of passenger revenue, in a form designed to be useful for optimisation. We divide the market demand into market segments, or passenger groups, according to characteristics that differentiate behaviour in terms of airline product selection. Each passenger group has an origin, destination, size (number of passengers), departure time window, and departure time utility curve, indicating willingness to pay for departure in time sub-windows. Taking as input market demand for each origin–destination pair, we describe a process by which we construct realistic passenger group data, based on the analysis of empirical airline data collected by our industry partner. We give the results of that analysis, and describe 33 benchmark instances produced

    Assessment of the Hunter Valley Coal Export Supply Chain

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    We develop a decision support tool that assesses the throughput of a coal export supply chain for a given level of demand. The tool can be used to rapidly evaluate a number of infrastructures for several future demand scenarios in order to identify a few that should be investigated more thoroughly using a detailed simulation model. To make the natural model computationally tractable, we exploit problem structure to reduce the model size, and we employ aggregation as well as disaggregation to strengthen the structure of model. We use the tool in a computational study in which we analyze system performance for different levels of demand to identify potential bottlenecks

    Sampling Scenario Set Partition Dual Bounds for Multistage Stochastic Programs

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    We consider multistage stochastic programming problems in which the random parameters have finite support, leading to optimization over a finite scenario set. There has been recent interest in dual bounds for such problems, of two types. One, known as expected group subproblem objective (EGSO) bounds, require solution of a group subproblem, which optimizes over a subset of the scenarios, for all subsets of the scenario set that have a given cardinality. Increasing the subset cardinality in the group subproblem improves bound quality, (EGSO bounds form a hierarchy), but the number of group subproblems required to compute the bound increases very rapidly. Another is based on partitions of the scenario set into subsets. Combining the values of the group subproblems for all subsets in a partition yields a partition bound. In this paper, we consider partitions into subsets of (nearly) equal cardinality. We show that the expected value of the partition bound over all such partitions also forms a hierarchy. To make use of these bounds in practice, we propose random sampling of partitions and suggest two enhancements to the approach: Sampling partitions that align with the multistage scenario tree structure and use of an auxiliary optimization problem to discover new best bounds based on the values of group subproblems already computed. We establish the effectiveness of these ideas with computational experiments on benchmark problems. Finally, we give a heuristic to save computational effort by ceasing computation of a partition partway through if it appears unpromising.

    On the Relationship Between the Value Function and the Efficient Frontier of a Mixed Integer Linear Optimization Problem

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    In this paper, we investigate the connection between the efficient frontier (EF) of a general multiobjective mixed integer linear optimization problem (MILP) and the so-called restricted value function (RVF) of a closely related single-objective MILP. We demonstrate that the EF of the multiobjective MILP is comprised of points on the boundary of the epigraph of the RVF so that any description of the EF suffices to describe the RVF and vice versa. In the first part of the paper, we describe the mathematical structure of the RVF, including characterizing the set of points at which it is differentiable, the gradients at such points, and the subdifferential at all nondifferentiable points. Because of the close relationship of the RVF to the EF, we observe that methods for constructing so-called value functions and methods for constructing the EF of a multiobjective optimization problem, each of which have been developed in separate communities, are effectively interchangeable. By exploiting this relationship, we propose a generalized cutting plane algorithm for constructing the EF of a multiobjective MILP based on a generalization of an existing algorithm for constructing the classical value function. We prove that the algorithm is finite under a standard boundedness assumption and comes with a performance guarantee if terminated early

    Exact procedures for solving the discrete ordered median problem

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    The Discrete Ordered Median Problem (DOMP) generalizes classical discrete location problems, such as the N-median, N-center and Uncapacitated Facility Location problems. It was introduced by Nickel [S. Nickel. Discrete Ordered Weber problems. In B. Fleischmann, R. Lasch, U. Derigs, W. Domschke, and U. Rieder, editors, Operations Research Proceedings 2000, pages 71–76. Springer, 2001], who formulated it as both a nonlinear and a linear integer program. We propose an alternative integer linear programming formulation for the DOMP, discuss relationships between both integer linear programming formulations, and show how properties of optimal solutions can be used to strengthen these formulations. Moreover, we present a specific branch and bound procedure to solve the DOMP more efficiently. We test the integer linear programming formulations and this branch and bound method computationally on randomly generated test problems.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Solving environmental problems with integer programming: recent experience and challenges

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    For most real-world problems, especially those arising in environmental decisionmaking, natural models are nonlinear. In optimization, the complexity of solving nonlinear problems can be reduced by introducing some appropriate problem-dependent simplification that transforms the nonlinear problem to a more easily solved integer linear programming problem. Such techniques are increasingly being utilized in the modelling and solution of environmental problems, not least because the resulting formulations can often be solved in practice: progress in linear and integer programming solvers and software tools over the last ten years or so has meant more reliable and rapid solution of even large-scale problems. This talk will describe two cases of environmental problems tackled with integer progamming, highlighting its modelling power. The first case concerns river systems, and decisions about environmental flows, addressing questions such as how much to release, and when. The second case concerns forestry. Harvest scheduling in forestry has for some time been planned with the aid of integer programming tools; now environmental considerations, such as habitat preservation, are being incorporated in such models. Solution approaches used, and future challenges, will also be discussed
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